Meeting Records



Minutes of Meeting 1 of Core Group Held at 7 Grange Farm on Wednesday 31 March 2011
Present D Newth (DN) Chairman K Faulkner (KF) Group Leader C Gibson (CG) Group Leader N O’Donnell (NO’D) Geographer W Oliver (WO) Photo Archivist I de Peyrecave (IdP) Group Leader C Webb (CW) Landscape Archaeologist J Liddle (JL) Group[ Leader/Secretary

Apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from David Ashcroft (DA)and Ted Yates (TY)
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda for this meeting.
Fieldwork Record Sheets (FRSs)
It was agreed that neither the FRSs produced by Graham Flatt of HCC’s Landscape Department nor the CPRE’s LCA Survey Sheets was entirely suitable. WO also had copies of EHDC record sheets that he would upload on to CDs. A hybrid FRS borrowing from all of these would be produced, based upon practical experience gained during a pilot survey trip to be undertaken by the Group Leaders. This trial run would be undertaken as soon as possible on land on and beneath the Selborne Hanger, to be selected by CW. Possible dates would be circulated by JL after consulting with CW, who would assist with the trial.It was accepted that the Record Sheet for roads, streets, lanes and tracks produced by Graham Flatt would be utilised and completed during the LCA. Wherever possible, publications already in the public domain, including historical material (e.g. Marion Jones – Domestic Buildings of Selborne) and TY’s book, would be relied upon to provide valuable source material for the LCA.
Geographical Area To Be Included within the Selborne LCA
It was agreed that the geology of the area contributed most to the landscape and to local land use. However, certain geological features stretched beyond any sensible definition of Selborne’s landscape. On the other hand, it was appreciated that features such as Noar Hill, were prominent when viewed from Selborne and could not be excluded on any rational basis. Accordingly, nearby features that could be seen from within the Settlement Policy Boundary (SPB) of Selborne and from which there were views into and across Selborne, would all be included. Following discussion and with valuable input from NO’D, it was finally agreed that the initial area to be covered by the Selborne LCA would (drawn on the HCC Selborne Parish EHDC Landscape Characterisation Map created on 11/03/11) comprise the following six or seven regions: Central roughly the area bounded by the Selborne SPB North- to include Norton Farm and Wick Hill Cottages The Lythes to include Milking Hanger and Wick Wood The Lanes to include part of the land East of Temple Farm short of Blackmoor South to include Noar Hill but otherwise within the Parish boundary Gracious Street West to include Newton Vallance and Selborne Hill Routes through the area – roads, lanes, bridleways and footpaths would be recorded on a separate record sheet and would amount to a seventh region. Landscape types would include Major Scarps, Greensand Terrace, Downland Mosaic and Mixed Farmland and Woodland. The survey work to be included in the LCA would test the accuracy of the above Map, particularly at the margins between landscape types.
The LCA would be a web based production, utilising the existing village plan website. Photographic records, meeting notes, dates of meetings and field study trips would all be uploaded so as to be available to everyone in the village with access to the net.At the suggestion of WO, JL would request David Henderson, who designed the website, to include on it a calendar function and to upload a version of “Coppermine”, software designed to make accessible, background information on individual photographs. WO volunteered to review the CPRE photo form to design a useful format for direct access to the website using the above software. He would also upload a digital map of the relevant area.
Volunteers who had already indicated their interest in assisting with the LCA would be invited to indicate the nature of any special skills they possessed that might be relevant to the tasks to be undertaken. These might include expertise in sketching, photography (not too high a pixel count) geography, geology or mapping. Those who could identify trees, wild flowers, birds or insects would also be very useful.Additional volunteers would always be made welcome. DN and JL hoped shortly to meet with the Selborne School Head, Mrs Knott with a view to involving the children and their parents in providing data for one of the regions to be studied. Any Other Business DN had kept in close touch with the Steep Village team who had commenced work on their LCA some six months earlier than Selborne. The task was taking longer than they had expected. JL had spoken in vain to DA about the possibility of receiving specific funding from the Parish Council for the costs of producing the LCA. DN thanked JL and Denise for their hospitality in hosting the meeting
Date Of Next Meeting
The next meeting would take the form of the pilot field study, on a date to be agreed.

JL 31/03/11


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