Meeting Records


Minutes of Meeting of Core Group

Held at Westbank Cottage at 8 pm on Tuesday 17 January 2012


David Newth   (DN)         Chairman      Kate Faulkner  (KF)Group Leader   Christine Gibson (CG) Group Leader

Nikki O’Donnell (NO) Group Leader   Bill Oliver (WO) Photo Archivist  Ian de Peyrecave (I de P) Group Leader

Chris Webb  (CW)  Landscape Archaeologist   John Liddle  (JL) Group Leader/Secretary


Apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from David Ashcroft and Ted Yates.







The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 22 November were approved.





Matters Arising


DN summarised the outcome of the meeting he had attended with representatives of the SDNP, HCC and EHDC on the day following the last meeting, Wednesday 23 November. Delegates from Steep and Rowlands Castle but not Froxfield were also present; the villages who are piloting the production of LLCAs under the new SDNP regime.


Froxfield had been first to complete their LLCA, in November 2011 but had yet to produce a Village Plan. Rowlands Castle had produced a Village Plan but not yet their LLCA. Steep had not produced A Plan one but were some three months ahead of us with their LLCA. Chris Fairbrother, our principal landscape contact at the SDNP (the Park), had shown great interest in the approach we were taking with our LLCA, particularly in the employment of a peer review process and the effective use of volunteers in the field studies. If the final version of our LLCA is accepted and approved, our approach is likely to provide the model for other villages in Hampshire to follow.


Selborne’s LLCA – Structure and Layout


DN had hoped that the completed Froxfield LLCA would offer a structure that we could follow. Having reviewed it in detail and having received the benefit of detailed comments made by Minette Palmer (MP), a former Board Member of the SDNP, he had concluded that it did not provide a suitable model.


Accordingly, DN had circulated in advance of the meeting, a draft Proposed Structure for the Selborne LLCA that had also been reviewed by MP and incorporated a number of her suggested changes. MP had also pointed out that the former AONB designation for Selborne had been replaced by the significantly greater protection offered by the Park.


Members of the Core Group were requested to review the draft and to make suggestions on how it might be improved, copied to all. The revised version would be sent to the PC, EHDC, HCC and the Park for their comments.


















Progress Reports


Almost all of the field studies had been completed and written up. The remainder would be completed within the next few weeks.

Procedures for Archiving Photographs


WO kindly offered to meet each of the team leaders in turn (beginning with DN) to upload their field study photographs on to a memory stick and then store individual images in a photographic library, under an unique reference for ease of recovery.  WO would also use the draft LLCA Structure and Layout to produce a structure for uploading the LLCA on to a website as an electronic copy. Specialist websites (e.g. LULU) were now available to facilitate the production of such electronic copies at a unit price per document of around £35, irrespective of the number required.







Any Other Business


JL reported that the Village Plan had reached the stage at which sections of the final draft were being written by members of the steering group and other volunteers. Particular care would be taken to ensure that the updated VDS, the LLCA and the Plan did not cover too much of the same ground and that they were consistent with one another.


JL also referred to proposals that were in their early stage to celebrate the jubilee of HM the Queen’s reign this year, by developing a tree trail in the village along the lines of the trail that had been created in Chichester.


Thanks were extended to David and Pam for their kind hospitality in hosting the meeting.











Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting would take place at 7 Grange Farm at 8 pm on Wednesday 15 February.








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