Meeting Records


Minutes of Meeting of Core Group

Held at Westbank Cottage at 8 pm on Wednesday 7 November 2012


D Newth  (DN)  Chairma   K Faulkner (KF) Group Leader   Bill Oliver(WO) Photo Archivist

C Webb (CW)   Landscape Archaeologist   J Liddle  (JL)  Group Leader/Secretary


Apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from D Ashcroft, C Gibson,  N O’Donnell,  Ian de Peyrecave,  David Standing and Ted Yates







The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 August 2012 were approved.





Matters Arising


There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda.

LLCA Website


Photographs and Maps


There continued to be problems with the maps but these would be resolved with the assistance of I de P. The maps, like all photographs, would have to be made available to WO in the JPEG image format.


WO would shortly set up a series of meetings with those who had submitted field study photographs, to assist in the process of selection, providing titles and linking images to the LLCA narrative. A small number of photographs would appear in any printed version of the LLCA that was produced; a photographic gallery would be available on the website version, linked to the narrative; and the full photographic archive would be accessible as a drop down option on the website.


WO had resolved the problems he had experienced working with the version of WordPress that we were using. He was able to demonstrate how individual images in the text could be clicked and enlarged and how a series of images could be made available to view, linked to relevant sections of the narrative.


Steep’s LLCA


DN encouraged all members of the Core Group to access Steep’s Village Plan website

( that had links to their LLCA, their Buildings and Monuments Record and their Settlement Character Assessment. Their LLCA had been written by a forester and employed a narrative style that DN considered to more “touchy feely“ than ours, if less detailed and precise. It may contain ideas that we should consider including in our LLCA.


WO would remind David Woodroofe to include a hit counter on our website to record the level of interest from Village residents after they read in the next edition of the Parish Magazine how they can access the Website.


































Village Design Statement


Since the last meeting, Gren Earney, current Chairman of the PC, had kindly produced an electronic version of the VDS ready for uploading on to the website, and made  accessible through a link from the Village Plan website.


Remaining Field Studies


There were no remaining areas that were accessible and of interest that had not yet been covered in detail. DN had added a reference to Oaktree Farm, the only actively farm remaining in the village. There would be included in the LLCA a section on recent changes and current land use that would be of historic interest in future years.









Any Other Business


DN had been approached by Graham Flatt, formerly head of HCC’s Landscape Department and now with CPRE, to assist in producing a template that will assist other villages to produce LLCAs in an acceptable form. HCC has produced its own document entitled “Assessing and Maintaining Local Distinctions”.


DN emphasised the importance of keeping the following key people informed of our progress with the LLCA and the Village Plan to ensure that they are well received and are adopted as having met the expected standards:


Doug Jones – elected official responsible for planning – SDNP. Also at SDNP, Chris Patterson, Chris Fairbrother and Nick Heaseman. At EHDC, Sue Halsted who is responsible for Local Communities.


Thanks were extended to DN and Pam for their hospitality in hosting the meeting.















Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting would take place at 7 Grange Farm on a date in December to be agreed.





JL  8 November 2012



Minutes of Meeting of Core Group

Held at 7 Grange Farm at 8 pm on Wednesday 2 January 2013


D Newth  (DN)  Chairman   K Faulkner   (KF) Group Leader  C Gibson  (CG) Group Leader

N O’Donnell  (NO’D) Group Leader  I de Peyrecave  (I de P)  Group Leader

J Liddle (JL)   Group Leader/Secretary


Apologies for absence


Apologies had been received from D Ashcroft, W Oliver, C Webb and Ted Yates







The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 November 2012 were approved.





Matters Arising


There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda.

LLCA Website




Unfortunately, WO was indisposed and could not attend the meeting. However, DN was able to report that WO and David Woodroofe (DW) were making good progress with the photographs that would be key to illustrating the narrative. WO would continue with this work but he would be away on vacation for about a fortnight in 10 days time.


DN had brought his laptop to the meeting but it was not possible to view the progress that had been made. DN would arrange a mutually convenient time for a meeting with WO after his vacation, to be attended by DW and JL, when a target date for completion of both the LLCA and the Village Plan (the Plan) would be discussed. If an additional grant of up to £2,000 could be secured from the SDNPA, this would enable the project to be completed, leaving a small sum to finance a village gathering to mark the occasion.




I de P had made excellent progress with the illustrative maps and he circulated a sample

for review. These included maps showing the geology, land use, landscape types, field names, streams and footpaths in the area under review. He had also produced for the Plan, maps showing Selborne’s location on the B3006, the locations of households who received the Plan Questionnaire and the Settlement Policy Boundary. He would require the assistance of DW and WO to upload the maps on to the relevant website.


Response to Website


A link to a draft of the Selborne LLCA website had been included in the latest Parish Magazine with a note encouraging residents to send comments to DN. None had been received.
























I de P/










Any Other Business


Thanks were extended to JL and Denise for their hospitality in hosting the meeting.


Date of Next Meeting


The next meeting would take place at 7 Grange Farm on a date in February to be agreed.







JL  3 January 2013  

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