Minutes of Meeting of Core Group
Held at Westbank Cotttage at 8 pm on Tuesday 22 November 2011
D Newth (DN) Chairman K Faulkner (KF) Group Leader C Gibson (CG) Group Leader
I de Peyrecave (I de P) Group Leader C Webb(CW) Landscape Archaeologist J Liddle (JL) Group Leader/Secretary
Apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Nicki O’Donnell (NO), David Ashcroft, Bill Oliver and Ted Yates(TY).
The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 11 October were approved. |
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising that were not included on the agenda for this meeting.
Progress Reports
I de P had kindly produced 1:10,000 scale maps of each region. Reviewing each of these in detail, DN placed stickers on areas that had been covered by surveys. It was estimated that more than 65% of the whole area had been surveyed.
JL (The Lanes) had completed and circulated a report on Sotherington Lane. He had further work to do on Honey Lane and would undertake a field study of the area around Burhunt Farm and Adderhood Hanger. It was agreed that there was no need to cover Priory Farm (by cross reference to the detail in TY’s book). Lord Selborne had offered to assist DN with any field study of his estate; this area would not be the subject of a separate field study.
KF (The North) had covered most of her region but would welcome input from CW when his time permitted.
DN (The South) had completed coverage of his region and had liaised with I de P to ensure that the boundary areas between the Central and Southern regions would all be surveyed.
I de P (Central) reported that he had surveyed most of his area and planned to survey the remainder shortly.
CG (Gracious Street West) had almost completed her survey work on the paths on and leading up to the Hanger. Newton Vallance was outside our area. Love Lane and the land owned by the Wakes remained to be surveyed.
NO had already circulated details of her surveys and only a small area remained to be covered.
Further surveys (and, where appropriate, reviews of completed surveys) would be undertaken during the Winter months when views across the landscape were not blocked by the leaves of trees.
I de P
All |
Meeting with SDNP
DN was attending a meeting on the following day with representatives of the SDNP, EHDC, HCC and those involved with the LLCAs for Froxfield, Steep and Rowlands Castle, the villages also involved in the LLCA pilot study. He hoped to get confirmation that the recently published LLCA for Froxfield could be used as a model for our own LLCA, which, if followed, would ensure its acceptance by all stakeholders. He also hoped to establish contact with the IT staff at HCC who had helped Froxfield, using HCC’s licence from Ordnance Survey, to publish an electronic map of their area showing details of key sites and views provided by the Froxfield team.
DN |
Procedures for Uploading Photographs and Survey Reports
Further difficulties were being experienced with uploading text and photographs on to the Selborneplan website. In the meantime, DN encouraged team leaders to keep a record of their photographs, using a spreadsheet that he had circulated earlier. Field study reports should continue to be circulated for comment. |
Any Other Business
DN had obtained a copy of a NFU report on the importance played by farming activities in the creation and maintenance of landscapes.
DN would be delivering a slide presentation about our LLCA during the course of the Results Presentation for the Village Plan on 28 November in the village hall.
Thanks were extended to David and Pam for their kind hospitality in hosting the meeting.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting would take place in 2012 on a date and at a venue to be agreed.